Focus Areas

Climate Crisis

Net - Zero Emissions World

Our current understanding of how we treat the others, the environment, the agriculture, the food, our health and our values… spontaneously raises the question: “What future do we have as a Humankind?” As if we have been put in a high – speed train directed to a wall of reinforced concrete. It is clear that we are going to crash and the sense of powerlessness is paralyzing us. But how can we change our destiny? We have gone so far that we don’t see a way out.

We must go back to the crossroads where we have lost the right direction and we have to change the destination of that train, knowing that this will change the destiny of Humanity.

There is a strong connection between economic stability and environmental sustainability. Right now, the economy worldwide is controlled by big corporations and it is based on agreements that allow them to generate huge profits, which depend on the continuation of the climate change. This arrangement benefits few, but it comes to the detriment of our planet and all its inhabitants. Its effects are life – threatening and hit above all the low – income communities. It is the suffering of the many who pay for the luxuries of the few. It’s time to shift the course and to implement deep structural transformations in the political and financial systems worldwide in order to change the destructive trajectory of our environment, and therefore of all Humanity.

Switching to low – carbon energy sources will not only improve air quality but it will also provide additional opportunities for immediate health benefits. There is a clear evidence that climate change is already causing a very serious impact on human life, threatening the basic elements we need for good health: air, drinking water, food… and expose decades of progress in world health to risk.

To face climate emergency, Amatar Foundation designs, encourages and advocates policies, projects and initiatives with the goal to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and to hit net-zero emissions by 2050; initiatives that aim for sustainable development, that calculate, reduce and offset the emissions generated by the activities of people and organizations, events and products, thus increasing the ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change and to foster climate resilience.

Without climate justice there can’t be social justice.